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Equality Objectives

Engage Academy, as a member of Ethos Academy Trust, is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving provision from the service, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity  We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the Academy feel proud of their identity, able to participate fully in the provision offered and feel valued, cared for and listened to. The development of a positive self-image, self-advocacy, respect for others and an awareness of the value of each individual’s contribution to the school community is an integral part of our ethos.

The achievement of pupils will be monitored by race, sex, Pupil Premium eligibility and SEND and we will use this data to support pupils,  raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We will tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which champions respect for all. We believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, work and visit here.

Engage Academy, as a member of Ethos Academy Trust, aims to meet these obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty by having due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.

Engage Academy Equality Objectives 2024-2025

  • Objective 1+

    Promote a culture within the Academy in which children feel comfortable sharing concerns and worries, where difference is accepted and tolerance is expected. Our students will be supported to feel a sense of inclusivity and belonging. We will ensure fair and equal treatment for all students.

  • Objective 2+

    Identify the needs of all pupils to ensure they are equipped to become responsible citizens within society.

  • Objective 3+

    Implement the reviewed curriculum offer to secure high levels of engagement and progress across all groups of pupils, taking into account their diverse interests, EHCP targets and academic needs.

Engage Academy Equality Objectives 2021-2024

  • Objective 1+

    2021/2022- Objective 1: To develop pupils’ understanding, tolerance and respect of different cultures within the school community and the wider community.

    Engage Academy educates pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of different faiths, cultures and values upheld within the school and wider community. This is developed through carefully planned discrete lessons, highly personalised interventions, themed days, collective worship discussions and incidental discussions. Staff receive regular training and updates to ensure they are knowledgeable and able to provide accurate knowledge and support to pupils. Visits and visitors are carefully planned to help support pupils’ knowledge of their local community and encourage them to become responsible, respectful citizens.

    Partially Met:

    Further opportunities need to be developed to further the pupils’ knowledge and understanding of other cultures, faiths and values upheld within the school and wider community.

    Future work around diversity and respect is needed due to ever changing cohorts.

     Recommendation: Target to be modified

    2022/2023- Objective 1: Ensure that pupils have opportunities to develop their understanding, tolerance and respect for diverse communities through a curriculum with clearly defined rich experiences that explore, educate and allow pupils to interact safely about diversity in all forms.

  • Objective 2+

    2021/2022- Objective 2: Identify the needs of all pupils to ensure they are appropriately supported to transition to their next educational setting and equipped to become responsible citizens within society. 

    At Engage Academy, we work with pupils from across Kirklees and beyond. Our cohort is made up of pupils with a wide range of needs, views and aspirations. Pupil placements are planned carefully, ensuring that academic and social, emotional and mental health needs are paramount leading to a successful placement and an effective transition to their next educational setting. We develop positive aspirations that pupils are able to take with them on their journey through to their adult lives.

    Update- Partially Met:

    Nine pupils transitioned to mainstream high schools in September 2021 with only one unsuccessful placement.

    Bespoke transition plans were developed to ensure pupils had a successful transition to their next educational setting. Plans included outcomes for identification of need and strategies and targets in place to support need. Engage Academy inclusion staff supported pupils’ transition into their next setting and senior leaders/SENDCos liaised with colleagues in their new setting to ensure all relevant information was shared in a timely manner.  Parents were informed of the process and were able to support confidently with the transitions.

    Further work needs to be done around the admissions process and exit routes as this is impacting on transitions.

    Recommendation: Target to be modified


    2022/23 Objective 2: Ensure that all students are appropriately supported and equipped with skills to successfully transition to their next educational setting, allowing for equality of opportunity to become responsible citizens within society.


  • Objective 3+

    2021/22- Objective 3: To secure high levels of engagement and progress across all groups of pupils, taking account of their diverse interests and specific SEMH and academic needs through the refinement of an appropriate curriculum offer.

    Engage Academy continually reflects upon its practice and curriculum offer in light of its fluid cohort to ensure that it appeals to all members of the school community.  Engaged learners are productive and successful learners, equipped for lifelong learning.

    This year we aim to further develop the role of subject leaders and the outdoor curriculum. Outdoor learning is going to be more skills based, sequential and curriculum focused.

    Update- Partially Met:

    Subject leaders have attended training to further develop their roles.  The curriculum has been reviewed and adapted to ensure that, where possible, foundation subjects can be taught through outdoor learning.  The outdoor area was developed to increase opportunities for team games and activities to increase pupils’ resilience and ability to interact socially.

    Further developments include the beginnings of curriculum mapping documents for each subject and further reviews to the intent following a change in the needs of the cohort.

    Recommendation: Target to be modified

    2022/23- Objective 3: Promote a sense of inclusion by incorporating the diverse interests and specific SEMH and academic needs of pupils into the curriculum, securing high levels of engagement and progress across all groups.

Equality Policy Download

Get in Touch

Head Teacher Alison Ward

Engage Academy

Park Road
WF17 5LP

Telephone01924 476449


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