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Safeguarding Policies

Engage Academy is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in our school and follows Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board procedures. We have a variety of policies designed to help keep your child safe in school. These include a robust Safeguarding Policy, a Positive Relationship and Behaviour Policy and an Attendance Policy.

These policies are available on request and are on our website. The main aims of the policies are as follows:

  • To provide a safe environment for young people to learn and develop and to identify those who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm with the aim of making sure they are kept safe, both at home and in the school setting.
  • To create a positive and respectful atmosphere in which each member of the school community can perform and contribute in a positive and secure environment.
  • To promote high levels of attendance, improve punctuality and, as a consequence, raise levels of achievement.

The close working relationship between school staff and parents/carers is crucial to enable our learners to benefit fully from the education and support offered at Engage Academy. There are many opportunities for parents/carers and professionals to visit our school and to meet with staff. If you would like to make an appointment to visit, then please speak to a member of our Business Support Team.

Get in Touch

Head Teacher Alison Ward

Engage Academy

Park Road
WF17 5LP

Telephone01924 476449


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