Many of the subject areas are taught with a thematic and innovative approach as part of our Creative Curriculum or through continuous provision, where appropriate, to engage pupils in their learning through a personalised approach taking into account individual interests and specific needs. We have recently developed our outdoor area to include a forest area and outdoor classroom. Some pupils also have continuous access to a smaller outdoor area as part of their play based learning which is set up with activities to support the current topics.
Our long term plans are divided into three stages (Bronze, Silver and Gold), cover six topics per year and rotate on a two year cycle. These are currently under review although please see the link for an example of our Silver Long Term Plan for the remainder of this academic year.
Fundamental British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education are embedded throughout the curriculum, from collective worship at breakfast time, through core subjects and heavily in PSHE and Citizenship. We have regular involvement from relevant outside agencies to support pupils’ understanding and develop community links. Some collective worship themes are planned around key religious events and festivals and require pupils to reflect on their own perspectives and beliefs. This complements planned religious education lessons based upon the Kirklees agreed syllabus.